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Work ethic skills

Having accountability means you are able to manage your own work well without much oversight.

Having discipline means you are able to focus and complete tasks no matter the circumstances.

Being truthful at work is valuable because it can help tasks to be completed more quickly and in a quality way. Practice honesty when giving feedback, Owning and improving upon mistakes at work shows that you are willing to take risks and learn from them.

Being humble means having a healthy perspective of your own importance in the workplace. Prioritize listening to others.

Integrity is defined as always doing the right thing no matter who is watching.

Being well organized can help you get tasks done on time, communicate clearly with others and set proper expectations about your work.

Quality work
While it is crucial to turn your work in on time, it is also important that the work is done well and meets all requirements.

Being responsible at work is a general quality that results in your work being done well and meeting expectations.

Working well with others is an imperative component of work ethic, it involves having respect for those around you and also be able to work alongside a team towards a common goal.

Time management
Managing your time well can help you meet deadlines, set appointments or meetings and communicate proper expectations about your schedule.

Leadership Skills

Sometime courage becomes a habit where you can develop it by practicing whenever you have a tendency to back off so you much force yourself to go forward.

Take Action
Take action, don’t wait for someone else to do something then insert yourself.

Take Risk
Take calculated risks in the direction of moving forward.

Being confident at Work
Stay focused on you. Confidence will emerge from honored good work combined with a great attitude.
Identify your strength: The best ways to build confidence is to get clear on your strengths and find ways to utilize those strengths into what you do every day.

Identify weaknesses
If there are weaknesses which affect your confidence, pay attention to reduce or eliminate them,

Believe in yourself
This is easier said than done, but you need to tell yourself you can do this.

Confidence being a threat
This is going to happen, you will be on the receiving end of a mean comment that may rile your confidence, however give yourself some time to analyze the comment before responding.


Managers have a tendency to delegate mostly to their reliable performers. As a result, they don’t distribute the workload evenly among all the staff in the group. This practice has an effect of punishing the good employees and also creates resentment among the star employees who wonder why they have to carry the workload for others in the group. Some employees feel passed over for the most challenging and growth-oriented work. As a manager you should develop and challenge everyone in your group


Great leaders always see the future as a wonderful place. They will adversity and hard work on the way to achieving their goals, but leaders always look forward to the future optimistically. This optimism becomes a glow that radiates from all great leaders and touches the employees who come into contact with them.


Great leaders make decisions. However, not every decision is created equal. Some decisions have little impact on the company and its employees. These decisions can and should be made quickly. Other decisions are strategic and have a great, long-term impact on the company and its employees. These decisions require much deliberation and information gathering and analysis.

Match your decision-making style to the nature of the decision to be made. When you have the information you need to make a quality decision. Making decisions is one of your key jobs as a manager.

Managing Conflict in the Workplace

Disagreements and differences are inevitable within a work team or organization. As a manager or supervisor your responsibility is to lead team members by modeling and helping them learn new behaviors that resolve conflicts and maintain respectful working relationships in the process.
To see results that stem from workplace conflict, wear your leadership hat and implement constructive behaviors into practice:

Stay in control.

Acting out your frustration and anger shows that you’re out of control and excludes you from inviting the cooperation of others.

Be direct, factual, and sincere

You have to express your concern or problem clearly and constructively so that others understand where you’re coming from. Get to the point, state the facts as you know them, and speak with respect.

Face-to Face

A conflict is best resolved by addressing it face-to-face with the other party. Telling a third party or communicating by e-mail cannot replace the person-to-person conversation that’s required for conflict resolution to work.

Problem Solving

You have a conflict with another team member, and you’ve worked out a solution with the other team member. A difference or disagreement exists between two or more people isn’t big news but the actions that are taken to smooth out a solution are worth others’ attention.


Listening is showing that you care and working to understand what someone else truly means. When you become a great listener, you become a great communicator.

3 Steps for Managing Employee Performance Problems

Managers deals with employee discipline, and correcting unacceptable performance. You always want to help your good workers become even better, but your first concern has to be to identify employees who aren’t working up to standard and to correct their shortcomings.

Verbal counseling

A typical manager verbally counsels a variety of employees in any given day. Verbal counseling can range from a simple, spontaneous correction performed in your office to discuss what steps you can take to correct the problem and the plan to implement them.

Written counseling

Written counseling formalizes the counseling process by documenting your employee’s performance shortcomings in a memo. Written counseling is presented to the employee in one-on-one sessions in the supervisor’s office. After the employee has an opportunity to read the document, verbal discussions regarding the employee’s plan to improve performance ensue. This documentation becomes a part of your employee’s personnel file.

Negative performance evaluation

If verbal and written counseling fail to improve your employee’s performance, the situation warrants a negative performance evaluation. Because performance evaluations are generally given only annually in many organizations, if at all, they’re not usually useful for dealing with acute situations. Employee should be made aware of his/her performance within the year so the employee is given a chance to improve their performance.

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